Monday, October 26, 2009

3 Months

I can’t believe it’s been 3 months! Our sweet little girl is 3 months old today and is more beautiful than ever. Before you know it, she’s going to be in kindergarten, then tennis camp, then she’ll be driving, then she’s going to prom. Holy cow – I just saw my life pass before my eyes! Some recent new events that have happened – I started back to work full time (yuck), she found her thumb (yay), she took her first plane ride and was total champ, she’s reverted back to waking up twice a night for feedings (yikes!).

Going back to work has been the emotional equivalent to having your heart ripped out and stomped on. I have not been the perfect role model for the back-to-work-transition. Basically I’ve done it kicking and screaming… and Martin can testify to this because I’ve been kicking and screaming to him. It started out as nightly sobbing, then moved to daily tears, and now I’m down to the occasional mental breakdown. But, it is getting easier. Soon I’ll be like all other mom’s in the workforce, just stick your hand out of the car window and wave goodbye as I’m driving down the street. No, I doubt it. But I will stop crying during the day. Maybe.

Check out this cute photo of her sucking her thumb! This has been many weeks in the making. First of all, she has never taken to the pacifier. And several weeks ago she found her hands and started trying to chew on them and stick them in her mouth. She’s been getting close to just putting her thumb in her mouth for a while now, but it finally happened the other day. For now, we’re so proud. Somehow I don’t think we’ll be so proud when we can’t pry her thumb out of her mouth as she’s moving into middle school. But that’s for another day. For now, I’m a proud mama.

This weekend we drove to Dallas to see our friends, David & Megan and their family. We had so much fun and Amelia was a big hit! Here are some photos of her with friends and in the pumpkin patch.

proud dad

Friends - Erin & Lucas (Amelia's in the hat)

Could she be any cuter?

Mom and Amelia lounging

Our cute Pumpkin

David & Megan with Amelia

So, here we are, 3 months after Amelia was born and we have never been happier. Parenting has been fun but where’s the instruction manual that was supposed to come with this kid? Just when you think you’ve figured something out and all is well, she’ll through us for another loop.  What a ride this is going to be:)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Here she is...

Please welcome Amelia Reese Turner!  Born July 26, 2009 at 07:17 in Houston, Texas.  Amelia weighed 7 lbs 9 oz. The labor and delivery went very well and we had the birth experience that we had hoped for.  I'm sure you all know that we wanted to have a natural delivery - no drugs...  I have to admit, it was the worst pain I've ever felt.  Something similar to having my body split into two halves.  But, in the end, I'd do it the same way all over again.  My water broke on Saturday night at about 8:15 pm, and we went to the the hospital by 11:30.  We always thought that if your water broke, you needed to rush to the hospital like mad because the baby was on it's way.  Actually, you still have plenty of time before anything  happens.  So, we took our time, called family and friends, updated my facebook profile with the news and then went to the hospital.  Our midwife said nothing would probably happen until the morning so we just needed to get settled in and try to get some rest.  We tried, but by 1:30 in the morning the contractions were getting a bit uncomfortable.  By 3:00 am they were down right painful and I was in "active" labor and starting to gently push.    I was able to labor in a jacuzzi tub for a little while which really helped the pain and it helped progress my labor.  Amelia was born at 7:17 am.  Our sweet little girl came out and was wide eyed from the first minute.  She is absolutely perfect!  I realize I'm posting this ten weeks after her birth, but she consumes much of my time so you'll have to bear with the delay.

So here we are, ten weeks later (almost eleven - depending on when I get this posted) and it's been a great ride so far.  Amelia is a great baby!  She's mostly pretty mellow and only cries when she's tired or hungry - just like her mama:)  She's starting to laugh, coo and turn.  And she's a great traveler.  In the past couple of weeks, we've taken a road trip to Austin with friends and we flew to San Francisco to visit the grandparents and her only living great grandparent Barbara "Bobby" Turner.  Here are some photos of her life so far...

Halloween is coming up soon, so stay tuned for some pretty damn cute photos of this pumpkin!  I will try to keep updating often so all of our friends and family can keep up with her life.