Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Funny things Amelia says...

Now that Amelia is talking, some of the stuff she says is worth recording.  I can't film all of it but I can put in print so at least we will remember it through the years.  As a side note, the kid never quits talking.  It's a constant stream of words, thoughts and songs.  Let me say that it is never a dull moment around here!

Amelia speak:

"Are you kidding me?"  -  and with all of the inflections associated with that phrase.  She heard me saying it one day when I was mad at something Martin did.  It hasn't stopped being funny.  She sometimes says "Are you serious?" - equally as funny.

"Knock it off, Daddy"

"Oh shit!"   -  we're trying to discourage this one but she actually used it appropriately the other day when she dropped her cup. 

"I wanna carry you"  -  meaning she wants one of us to carry her.  She will also say "I wanna hold you" and it means the same thing.

"Mommy feel better.  I hug you and you feel better."  -  this one melted my heart!  I told her not to drink from my glass because I wasn't feeling well.  Then she said this to me!  It was so sweet!

"Mommy farted"   -  actually I didn't, although sometimes...  I'm pregnant so gas happens.  Either way, whenever she hears a sound that is similar to a fart she assumes someone farted and likes to call it out.  She did this to me at Einstein Bagels the other day and people started laughing.  I think it was the sound of the chairs moving.  Really!

I'll make sure to post more as she comes up with it.

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