Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back to normal.... sort of

I am happy to report that we are back at home and trying to get back to some normalcy.  Thank you to everyone for all of your prayers, well wishes and thoughts.  We are so lucky to have such amazing friends and family!

The verdict on Amelia's illness: a virus.  Not exactly the most definitive answer but it is better than getting a really bad diagnosis.  All of her labs came back normal with the exception of two that indicated inflammation somewhere in her body but they were "non-specific" so it didn't give us much to go on.  In the end it's just a virus and she's better now.  We will be doing some follow-up with a specialist so we can monitor any other viruses that may occur in the near future.  But for now, we are trying to get back to a normal routine.  Unfortunately, Miss Amelia has taken a strong liking to having our undivided attention and having us bow to her every need.  And to endless amounts of t.v.  She got a rude awakening this week when we told her no more t.v.!  You would have thought the world was coming to an end.  She has been very clingy to mommy and keeps asking to sleep in my bed.  But we run a tight ship around here (not really) and we didn't give in.  She's back to sleeping in her bed which have converted into a daybed from a crib.  Now she can climb in and out as she pleases and she seems to like it a lot.  Today was her first day back to daycare and that didn't go as well as I had hoped.  She didn't want me to leave and I ended up having to pick her up early because they called saying she couldn't be consoled after her nap.  I think it will take some time to get her back to a completely normal routine.  There are some indicators, however that she is back to normal.  She started bossing us around right away and she is very demanding.  Once those traits popped up we knew she was on the mend. 

Remember that I mentioned she watched Toy Story over and over again in the hospital?  Well some of the lines from the movie have stuck with her.  Yesterday, I took her to Chic-fil-a for lunch and she yelled at me in the restaurant "YOU ARE A TOY!!!!!".  The people around us were laughing so hard and I couldn't help but laughing also.  Then last night, she came running out of her room, ran up to me while I was cleaning the kitchen and said "You wanna piece of me?".  It was the funniest thing and Martin and I were dying laughing.  She then kept repeating it me all night.  I think that line is from Toy Story also, but I'm not sure.  I should know the entire script, but I can't be sure. 

And not to leave out our newest Baby Turner that is still in the womb... Our baby girl is doing great!  I am 29 weeks now and feel pretty good.  I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable but no big complaints.  She moves around quite a bit which I love.  Amelia is warming up to the idea of a baby sister and likes to talk about her at school.  And if you ask Amelia, she'll tell you the name of her sister even though we've been trying to keep it a secret.  Goes to show, you can't trust a 2 year old with valuable information!

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