Monday, April 4, 2011

The big move and tragic computer issues

At Amelia's current age (20 months) new developments happen every minute.  She is changing constantly and getting smarter by the second.  I am absolutely convinced she is a genius!  Don't even try to tell me otherwise - your comments would only be interpreted as jealousy or stupidity.  Just kidding, but seriously, don't try to argue with me. 

Let's recap a bit on how much has happened since the last blog entry and why news has been delayed.  The delay has been due to the untimely disruption in my computer's hard drive.  You should know that I love my Mac.  Love doesn't even totally encompass the feeling I have for my computer but it will suffice for this purpose.  But recently my Mac has been sick.  It's been running slow and I've filled it above and beyond capacity with all of Amelia's photos and videos. So much so that I bought an external hard drive to help store all of the extra data.  Anyway, it has not been working properly recently and I have not been able to upload any new photos or videos; obviously a huge disruption in my blogging updates.  I have consulted a professional (love the Genius bar) and will go the route of wiping my hard drive and reinstalling the OS and then reinstalling all of my data.  This could take a while so I felt the need to at least give everyone some Amelia updates without photos and videos for now.  I promise to get some up soon.  I could use my work computer to do it, but it's just not the same.

What's new in our life?  We moved!!!  Thank heaven it could not have come soon enough.  We moved out of our little one bedroom apartment into our very own home.  It's a cute house in a great neighborhood with lots of neighbor kids Amelia's age.  Amelia has her own room again and she enjoys playing and reading books in her own space.  We just got settled in over the last couple of weeks so don't worry - I will be sending out the updated address to all of our friends soon.

What's new with Amelia?  How about everything!  She knows most of the letters in the alphabet - she can repeat them after you and she can identify more than half of them by sight.  When we're out and about, she'll see letters in signs and repeat them to me.  Yes, I know... Genius!  She's really into associating what belongs to people.  Such as "mommy shoes", "daddy working", Mia milk".  She calls herself "Mia" because she can't yet pronounce Amelia.  She remembers all of the kids and teachers in her class and repeats their names at night.  She loves copying everything we're doing from our hand gestures to our words and facial expressions.  The other day I was loading her in the car and dropped the keys on the ground.  I said "Oh shit!" and she repeated me, "Shit!".  I didn't even know what to say.  She loves jumping and dancing. 

Our little girl is growing up so fast and it makes me a little sad.  I really want her to stay this age for a while.  Minus the temper tantrums.  Other than that, she is amazing and such a blessing.  I want to remember every little thing she does right now.  It's just not the same without photos and videos to show everyone, but I hope this will do for now.  I promise that I will post photos soon.

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